Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I miss old Cainta

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Where are the butterflies?
Where are the bees?
Cause what we have here now
Are huge flies that are blue

The giant catterpillars
That metamorphose into royal moths
are now gone
replaced by the dangling cellophanes
brought by menstrual floods

Can't hear the concerto of crickets
And the symphony of the of the night
Cause it is drowned out by the sound
of weeping abused wives and the cries of malnourished infants
Noises that cause nightmares and sleepless nights

The smell of young rice
being pounded by hand
are replaced by the aroma
of overpopulation and poor sanitation

The funny thing is
All these squatters
Have DVDs
Fancy cellphones
But they lack proper orientation
on the care of their environ

The bittersweet smell of carabao dungs
That once offended me are now gone
What we have now are human dungs
packed in plastic bags
Some even in Mcdonalds food packs

Oh, bring me back to the days
of leeches and turtles
when floods brought with it fishes
and not bags of garbage

When morning dew creeps through the house crevices
and not the stench of urine and human feces
When the music that lulls me to sleep
Is nature's nocturnal music
and not the high pitched irritating sound
of my neighbor's shouts

When rats have hair
and mice are shy
When cockroaches are afraid of people
and dragonflies rule the air
when people are nice and not chemically high

Roses are red
violets are blue
I hope the North Koreans
Test their nuclear bombs
on the local politicians
who destroyed this place
I call my home.

1 comment:

Joey said...

i really miss our old home. and i have the same sentiments regarding the politicians.

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