Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Church Bands

I am a musician. Not a true musician as in musician. My theoretical background about music is limited to what I read about Jimi Hendrix and the othe blues master. Although a frustrated guitarist, I am now involved in the ministry as a band coach or as the "maestro" as the church musicians call me. Although I feel uncomfortable with the title, reminds of that old FPJ movie, I can't tell them not to call me that because i know that it is a term of affection.

Despite being a "liberal" when it comes to church music, I still find choirs beautiful and more appropriate for churches than band music. The reason is that band music is intoxicating, performing in front of a live audeience is intoxicating. I know this from experience. And the more I see my church bandmates get better musically, the more the chances that they will be performing than worshipping.

This is the danger of church bands, and I can only pray that they not forget their mission and vission and that is to worship and make disciples.

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