Sunday, December 10, 2006


“Kuya George what is thanatos?” My classmate was reading one of those literary folios from one of the more prestigious university. “Me-ann, thanatos means death. It’s Greek,” …without me aware of it, I gave her a lecture on mythology and Greek mythology.

Mythology, methodology, and biology.

I saw Troy the movie starring Brad Pitt and whoever it is with him. I was expecting gods, goddesses, nymphs etc. But I was surprised when I found out that it was not a mythological movie but a historical one.

Mythology is in reality history.

History is mythology written in a scientific way.

The scientific way being the way people record their history through their eyes.

Their eyes being shaded with the science of their days, which is superstition.

History written is mythology is history written in exaggeration to preserve history.

The characters are immortalized as gods because they are gods in the eyes of the people of their times.

Like Madonna, or the Beatles, or Michael Jackstone, or Britney Spears, they are gods too!

Forces of nature are gods too.

Concepts and ideas are gods too.

Greek mythology is history.

Heavens, heavens, heavens, heavens,

Is this the same demythologizing that Bultmann talked about?

1 comment:

Joey said...

profound! I wonder why some Christians have a hard time accepting that history can be mythological and myth can be historical. There are so much myth in history and I believe they are good.

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