Sunday, December 24, 2006


I attended church this morning and the pastor's message is about having a Merry Christmas. The pastor also discussed the "evil" of the commercialization of Christmas, the "wrongness" of the political correctness of Christmas being espoused today, i.e. Christmas without the Christ; he also discussed the lost of the uniqueness of Christmas as a Christian experience and as an illustration he cited how a Filipino designed a Christmas tree that is half a a mosque and half a catholic church--even people who do not believe in Christ believe in Christmas. (Maybe what is worse is that some Christians stopped believing in the significance of Christmas.)

Some thoughts on Christmas:

Christmas is a remembrance of the birth of Christ. Its significance is unique for us Christians but especially not limited for us.

The commercialization of Christmas may have done more good than evil as some may have thought. It paved the way for the recognition of Christ or Santa Claus in non Christian nations.

Chritsmas is all about giving and it is also about receiving.

Christmas is vacation and rest and reading.

Christmas is all about food and family--it is not the time to count cholesterol and calories.

Christmas is a time to reflect about one's shortcomings.

And Christmas is about resting from blogging.

Christmas is not a unique experience for the Christians. It is for the whole world. All are welcome to share in the blessings of the birth of the messiah. As the pastor said, the shepherds, the first evangelists, were not even believers when God revealed to them the location of the Christ.

Come to think of it, the significance of Christmas is not for us Christians but for the non-Christians who still need to hear about Christ and Christmas!

Christmas is for all.

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