Saturday, March 03, 2007


Mat 6:22 "The eyes are like a lamp for the body. If your eyes are sound, your whole body will be full of light;
Mat 6:23 but if your eyes are no good, your body will be in darkness. So if the light in you is darkness, how terribly dark it will be!

I am near sighted. Without my eyeglasses, I can see clearly for about a foot or two, and beyond that my vision is blurred. Not as blurred as those of a myopic; I can still see figures and shapes, it’s the definition that is lacking. If I look at a person’s face, I can still see the eyes, although they seem to merge; I can still make out the nose although they seem to melt; I can still distinguish the mouth although they seem to look splattered on the face. Without my eyeglasses, this is how things looked.
There was a time when the ear piece (I don’t know if this is what they call the thing that holds the eyeglasses on the ears) of my glasses broke. I had no spare. The new glasses took the whole day before it was done. I was without my glasses for the whole day, a long period.
I can still move around. I can still read; sometimes, it is better to read without glasses. But I had headaches because my eyes were straining. I had to continually focus; sometime I crane my neck to have a better look at things.
When my glasses were done, it was upgraded by the ophthalmologist, and when I wore them, it’s like magic; the upgrade made me realized how much I missed with all the years that I wore my old glasses. Magic.

The ophthalmologist told me that I must have my eyes checked regularly for upgrades.

I think I need a better upgrade. My spiritual vision needs upgrading.

Lord I pray for better vision, through the eyes that you have given us Lord so that I may see things the way it was meant to be, in the eyes of my heart, Lord, in the eyes of a continually crafted heart.

Lord, you’re my ophthalmologist and optometrist, help me with my upgrade.

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