Saturday, August 13, 2011

Karmic Planking Vegetables

Our puppy Agli, since my brother, nephews and a niece have named their puppies after theologians, I followed suit and named our new puppy after the Philippine Revolution theologian Gregorio Aglipay who for me was the pioneer in Liberation Theology in Asia. I meant no disrespect, just having fun.

I was thinking of having Agli perform in my planking experiment but he is a minor. As you can see, he could not keep still . Anyway, I don't want to be charged with animal abuse.

I had four phallic (word of the week) vegetables perform planking for me. (Are there laws against vegetable abuse?)

         Four phallic vegetables planking on our window grills. Pretty dangerous.

       Four phallic vegetables planking on our stairs. Dangerous because they might get stepped o n. But danger is part of planking.

Four phallic vegetables planking on a guitar. Symbolizing harmony, tone, and the essential unity of the vegetable spirit with the transcendetality of music.

Four phallic vegetables planking atop each other. These  symbolizes the sexuality of vegetables. The gift of relationship based on the principle of love and unity. Of course it not good for phallics to relate with another phallics, the norm is for phallics to relate with the concaves for procreation.

Here we have the four phallic vegetables loosing their phallicness. In reality, they just lost their form but in essence they are still four phallic vegetables. In order for them to be with transcendental reality or the atman, these four phallic vegetable must lose their physical form. 

There still exist in the world of ideas, the concept and essence of these four phallic vegetables. Their phallicness, their physical existence is just a poor reflection of the perfection of the phalicness of the four phallice vegetables in the realm of ideas.  In this state, their imperfections are in the process of sedimentation i.e. being left behind. 

Four phallic vegetables has completed the cycle of life. They are now united with whole soup of reality--the spiritual sinigang. In a few moments when they are ingested and digested by the gods, the sanctification process, they have fulfilled their predetermined destination--that of going to the holy septic tank, their heaven to again be absorbed by the cosmos called the earth and be reincarnated into  another vegetable incarnation beginning the endless cycle of creation, destruction and rebirth.

These vegetables yearn for their Nirvana, their final annihilation, so that they would not have to go to through cyclical process of being planted, growing, fruiting, harvesting, being consumed, digested and converted to poop, endlessly.

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